How not giving up landed him a job as a CIO of a public company making Billions

Angelos Nicolaou Publication
3 min readApr 16, 2020

Like any tech enthusiast Ali originally dreamt of joining a tech company in Silicon Valley. Little did he know that an opportunity he nearly gave up on in Dubai, would land him his dream job.

Ali Katkhada is the CIO of one of the largest Construction and Manufacturing firms in the Middle East, responsible for the interior works of high-end hospitality projects, commercial projects, such as Apple Stores and even Superyacht marine projects. He is the mastermind behind DEPA’s IT strategy, and he has been a core member of the team that grew this company from 50 to 8000 employees and through an IPO.

An absolute pleasure to be talking to, Ali shared with us his story of how a can-do attitude and a humble approach can help you achieve anything you set your mind to.

Even if it’s anger, when it’s about something that you believe in, get it out!

Holding in his frustration with an interview that went wrong, Ali nearly missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime. He stepped out of a meeting that would make anyone cringe and he was mere seconds away from getting in a taxi and going back to the airport. A last minute hunch however urged him not to give up and that changed everything for him. Ali went back to the office, demanded that he speak with the CEO and didn’t leave until someone heard what he had to say.

It was a bold move. He didn’t go back in to fight about his position because he wanted the money or the prestige. He went back in because he loved what he did and respected himself. He has been with the company ever since, counting on his fourteenth year now and with a myriad of successes under his belt.

The full story is in the podcast, you’ll be glad you listened to it.

Go to your competitors for help

Be warned, Ali says, as this does come with the occasional hang-up of the phone, but most people are both willing to, and will indeed, help you. Ali held various positions in tech prior to starting with DEPA, but never up to the massive scale that he had to face. He had no experience, so what did he do? He hustled.

Reflective of a humbleness that was felt throughout the interview, Ali called, emailed, travelled and knocked on doors to meet with his competitors. He wanted to find out what worked for them, what didn’t, and what it took to carry out successful implementations, and he got the answers that he wanted. Today he is glad to give back to his community by sharing knowledge and helping others just like him with big dreams.

They don’t hate you, they just have a different perspective

Ali’s strength is that he treats everyone with the same respect. Throughout his career, he came across different kinds of people that made his work challenging. From people whom he calls “the stonewalls”, people who resist digital transformation with their whole being, to the “shooting for the moon” characters who want the payroll produced with a click of a button. Instead of resenting their existence, Ali considers them part of his user base and makes sure he has the right strategy in place to address their needs and concerns.

If your management doesn’t support you, reconsider

Thankful for the work of others throughout, Ali mentions multiple times how critical the support of his executive board has been for him. This is a practice that he is proud to pass on to his own team. He trusts and he delegates, in order to achieve what he likes to describe as a “harmonious and aligned” approach, not just for his team, but for anyone that they come in touch with as well. It’s tough work, but as Ali describes, success is a long game. A game for the patient, a game for the believers.

To hear more about Ali and for some incredible insights on how to lead a successful digital strategy for a billion-dollar company listen to the podcast here:

