Integrate Azure Key Vault with AKS — Using “FlexVolume” (Part 2/3)

Leon Jalfon
RhinOps by Sela
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2020

In this 3-parts tutorial we will explain how to integrate AKS with Azure Key Vault using “FlexVolumes” and “Azure Key Vault to Kubernetes”. However, before we get down to work let’s talk a little about each approach.

In this section

With FlexVolumes Key Vault secrets, keys, and certificates become a volume accessible to pods. Once the volume is mounted, its data is available directly in the container filesystem for your application.

For more information visit the official documentation:

What will we do in this tutorial?

  • Configure your environment (set some environment variables)
  • Install Key Vault FlexVolume in your AKS cluster
  • Configure FlexVolume (create a secret with service principal details)
  • Deploy a pod that access to a Key Vault secret
  • Cleanup

Configure your environment

Let’s configure some environment variables that will be used during the tutorial



Deploy Key Vault FlexVolume to your AKS cluster

kubectl create -f

To validate Key Vault FlexVolume is running as expected, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n kv

The output should show keyvault-flexvolume pods running on each agent node:

NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
keyvault-flexvolume-f7bx8 1/1 Running 0 3m
keyvault-flexvolume-rcxbl 1/1 Running 0 3m
keyvault-flexvolume-z6jm6 1/1 Running 0 3m


There are 4 options to configure FlexVolume: Service Principal, Pod identity, VMSS User Assigned Managed Identity or VMSS System Assigned Managed Identity (in this tutorial we will use a service principal due it’s the simplest option)

Add your service principal credentials as a Kubernetes secret

kubectl create secret generic kvcreds --from-literal clientid=${SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID} --from-literal clientsecret=${SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_SECRET} --type=azure/kv


Let’s create a pod to test our configuration:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: flex-kv-test
- name: flex-kv-test
image: nginx
- name: test
mountPath: /kvmnt
readOnly: true
- name: test
driver: "azure/kv"
name: kvcreds
usepodidentity: "false"
keyvaultname: "${KEY_VAULT_NAME}"
keyvaultobjectnames: ${KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NAME}
keyvaultobjecttypes: secret
keyvaultobjectversions: ""

Note that the flexvolume configuration receive the following options:

  • usepodidentity: (optional) if not provided, will default to “false”
  • keyvaultname: the name of the KeyVault
  • keyvaultobjectnames: list of KeyVault object types: secret, key or cert (semi-colon separated)
  • keyvaultobjecttypes: list of KeyVault object types: secret, key or cert (semi-colon separated)
  • keyvaultobjectversions: (optional) list of KeyVault object versions (semi-colon separated), default:latest
  • tenantid: the tenant ID of the KeyVault

Ensure that you have access to keyvault from the deployed pod

kubectl exec -it flex-kv-test cat /kvmnt/${KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NAME}


Delete the test pod

kubectl delete pod flex-kv-test

Delete the secret that store the service principal

kubectl delete secret kvcreds

Uninstall FlexVolume from your AKS cluster

kubectl delete daemonset keyvault-flexvolume -n kv
kubectl delete namespace kv

