Iron Viz SZN!

Day 1: The Waiting

Nicole Lillian Mark
2 min readOct 2, 2023


It’s 10:57 AM on the East Coast of the U.S. as I’m writing this, and the #DataFam is antsy! We want to know the Iron Viz topic! Of course we understand that the Tableau team is in Seattle, but a Monday morning has never passed so slowly! ⌛

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

I’m trying a new, three-part approach to the feeder this year. Last year, I chose a complex topic, and brought in four datasets. Pile on my perfectionism, ADHD, and the enormous workload I had at 🛒, and I’m surprised I thought I could finish it. (I still have not returned to it, but I will. Really. I swear.)

When I considered whether to participate this year, it became clear that to preserve my mental health, I must reign in my tendency to want to research and include every possible data point and perspective in one viz. (That I plan to create in one month.) There’s also my ADHD, which has really been acting up lately. I need to be super engaged and interested in something in order to complete it without moaning, groaning, rationalizing, and procrastinating until like two days before the deadline. (Especially if my salary isn’t attached to its completion.)

So. Here’s my plan. In public, so I feel more accountable to stick to it.

1️⃣Accountability buddy

I’ve enlisted a dear friend who will not put up with my bullshit to help keep me accountable to using only one dataset, and to nudge me back on course if the dreaded scope creep begins to happen.

2️⃣ Redefine the goal

The second part is redefining my goal to something realistic. The goal this year is not The Best Viz I Have Ever Created. The goal is to complete the viz on time. That’s it. Of course, I am going to do my best, but finishing and submitting on time is the number one goal.

3️⃣ Write about it!

Finally, I’ll publish a short blog post daily detailing my challenges, successes, breakthroughs, meltdowns, and whatever else happens on this month-long journey. Writing comes easily to me and also helps me process my thoughts and ideas, so this is an attempt at self-motivation and ADHD management. Hopefully, a byproduct will be some fun or interesting posts for you to read. (If you could care less about data visualization, you might want to mute me for a month. 😂)

Best of luck to everyone Iron Vizzing this month. Remember, regardless of the outcome, you are enough. Try to have fun, and reach out if you need to chat!



Nicole Lillian Mark

data visualization engineer | Tableau Social Ambassador | community builder | dog mom | vegan | yoga practitioner