Recap: The 2021 Vizzies Awards at #Data21

Nicole Lillian Mark
3 min readNov 11, 2021

The Vizzies, organized by Emily Kund and Matt Francis, recognize outstanding members of the Tableau community who are not current or Hall of Fame Zen Masters. Click on winners’ names to be directed to their Tableau Public profiles and prepare to be inspired!

Winners of Multiple Vizzies!

🏆🏆🏆🏆 Chimdi Nwosu won Notable Newbie, Data Storyteller Extraordinaire, shared with the exceedingly talented Kimly Scott, Biggest Growth, and The Kelly Martin Best Designer Award. It’s nearly impossible for me to pick a favorite of Chimdi’s vizzes. Check out his amazing IronViz finalist viz New Jack Swing and one of my several favorites, Incarcerated in America (static image below).

Incarcerated in America, a Tableau Public #VOTD by Chimdi Nwosu

🏆🏆🏆 CJ Mayes won Best Blog, Most Technically Sound, and The Tableau Can Effing Do That? Elissa Fink Award. CJ’s recent blog posts on the use of polygons are especially fantastic and helpful. I’m currently working on a viz incorporating some of his tips and tricks! My favorite viz of CJ’s is Serena Williams Wimbledon 2016. It really captures the spirit of Williams’ journey to winning the iconic tennis tournament.

Serena Williams Wimbledon 2016 by CJ Mayes

🏆🏆 Adam Mico won Must Run on Coffee or Coke and was co-winner of The Michael W. Cristiani Community Leadership Award with Michelle Frayman. As a person with ADHD, for me, the most impactful thing Adam did this year was his collaboration with Hunter Hansen on Neurodiversity and Data. Their VizConnect and Tableau Fringe Festival presentations and interviews brought awareness to the experience of being neurodivergent in the data visualization community and made me feel even more welcome.

As the world’s biggest Prince fan, my favorite viz of Adam’s is his IronQuest submission Purple Reign: The Chart History of the Artist. Definitely peep this one on Tableau Public to enjoy all the interactive features. I love a good viz-in-tooltip!

Purple Reign: The Chart History of the Artist by Adam Mico

🏆 Prep Star 🏆

Tableau Social Ambassador Jenny Martin, one of the contributors to the weekly community challenge Preppin Data, won this award acknowledging excellence in Tableau Prep.

🏆Server Guru🏆

Zak Geis clinched this award for the community member most well-versed and helpful with Tableau Server.

🏆Data Do-Gooder🏆

Frederic Fery of Viz For Social Good was recognized for his contributions to data visualization as a catalyst for social change.

🏆Favorite Viz of the Year🏆

TC ’21 IronViz contestant and Tableau Public Ambassador Pradeep Kumar’s The Show That Brings Me Joy was voted Favorite Viz of the Year. What a Conference for Pradeep!

Congrats to everyone who was recognized this year!



Nicole Lillian Mark

data visualization engineer | Tableau Social Ambassador | community builder | dog mom | vegan | yoga practitioner