Dolphins at Dawn (off Sandy Bay)

Peter Pink-Howitt, “Dolphins at dawn”, algo-art, 2022 CE.


Shiver of sea

Sparkling splinter of

Numinous ocean

Gifted personality

The Great Green

Divested of all terror

Its playfulness distilled to

Living livery of wave

I return new-born

With Dawn’s

Rose fingered bloom

To find you

Hoping you will

Humour me

(You always decide whether we shall meet

In the scary deep)

Yearning to grasp you

On this moving


Of touching

Not touching

Today, will you be:

Smooth sleekit slip of curling curiosity

Or glistening glory of somersaulting spray

That makes me cry out loud with glee

(Like I am 5 years young again and

There is nothing but this!)

Your meanest of tricks could

Make a romp of otters blush

I can’t get enough of you; could hunt you forever

I pray we never catch you

