Selecto. About Us

Let’s have a small talk.

Selecto Blog
2 min readDec 4, 2019


Q: Who you are guys?

A: We are a team of qualified designers and developers, which helps enterprises and startups to build, launch and grow digital products people love to use.

Q: What are you doing?

A: Selecto provides end-to-end solutions, which are flexible to implement:

Design: Prototyping, UX/UI Design, Motion design

Development: iOS & Android development, Back-end development, Front-end development

Quality assurance: Integration testing, Functional testing, End-to-end testing

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: Hmmm… Such an interesting question. Usually, we don’t think why, we ask ourselves — for what? And get the same answer every time. By using what we do best, design and engineering, we create handy and useful products that will make their users’ lives better.

Q: Sounds great, but do you have any examples of existing products that you have launched?

A: Yes, let’s take a look at some of them. More information you can find here.


Empowering women to take care of their well-being.


Helping HIV-positive people live their life to the fullest.


Designing a credible platform for lawyers in Brazil.

Q: How I can contact you?

A: We can catch up online or offline. Write to us — or visit us: Zelena St, 186, Lviv, Ukraine

And don’t forget to follow us:

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Selecto Blog

Digital Product Design & Engineering Company. We help enterprises and startups to design and launch products people love to use: