Intellectual Self Care

Bailey Andrade
Self Care BA
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2018


What is intellectual self care?

  • Intellectual self-care addresses your inner ‘thinker’ and by cultivating a healthy intellect you can expand your knowledge and mindset. Your mind knows no bounds, and your intellect is bordered only by your drive to learn. It’s an important step to take when keeping all aspects of yourself in the best condition because a healthy mind is the foundation of a healthy self.

Some ways that you can enhance your intellect :

Learning a new language

  • This challenges your intellect and stimulates the brain into being able to analyze and process linguistic structures.
  • It also trains the brain to be able to memorize information easier as well as remember the information for longer periods of time.


  • There are millions of different books and types of literature that challenge the intellect. Reading broadens the horizons of ones creativity.


  • The talking aspect of intellectual self care tends to be overlooked. When talking about topics with different people it enables the ability to see things from other points of views and widen your mindset.


  • By listening to topics that interest you you can learn something new and find more creativity in it.


  • By teaching others different activities or educational information you can build up your ability to think more critically about a topic. This can help one become able to find explanations for things that interest not only themselves but others around them.

Even though intellectual self care is a given in daily life, the effects it has on different aspects of someone can improve things such as their learning ability, and many more.

