What is Self Care?

Sydney Wagner
Self Care in College
3 min readMay 2, 2017

“I’m so tired.”

This is a phrase that I hear pretty much daily from my friends, people I pass by while walking to my classes, and even from my own mouth. In a college environment, it’s pretty easy t0 get worn down in multiple ways with all the things constantly going on in our worlds. We are overloaded with schoolwork, jobs, clubs, internships, and maintaining a social life, among other things. With so much on our plates, the first things to go to the wayside are sleeping, eating, working out, and making “me time”. Although these are typically neglected when stress hits, they are perhaps the most crucial to our success in the many areas we are trying to maintain.

Self care. It’s a new buzzword I have been hearing recently in many news articles, YouTube videos, etc., but the concept itself is not a new thing. So, I asked Peer Wellness Educator and Kappa Delta Health and Wellness Chair Evan Kafka how she defines self care and what it truly means to her. Kafka defined it as, “Paying attention to yourself and and being mindful of how your body and mind are actually feeling”. With that being said, self care can mean something different to everybody. It can be anything from taking a long shower to eating a healthy meal. It is all about being aware of your feelings and tending to them, which is proven to help us refocus, manage stress, and keep going. With that being said, it is important to explore different opportunities for self care in order to feel the best we possibly can amidst life’s craziness.

A photo I took when I went on a walk in order to destress.

Kafka’s work through being a Wellness Peer has gave her a general interest in self care and provides motivation for her to practice self care personally. Her and her staff educate the Marquette Community about different aspects of health and wellness, and plan events on campus that allow people to destress and practice self care. Kafka even has a self care list she and her team put together that gives tips for the mind, the body, and the soul.

Evan’s self care list.

Through this publication, I will be talking about all three of those pillars of self care and will be exploring how each benefits college students through their daily life. Through talking about how self care can benefit the mind, body, and soul, I hope to reach other students and motivate them to practice this simple yet important tool in their daily lives.

