Notes for Essay

Brittney Cedeno
Self, Community, & Ethical Action
1 min readDec 4, 2019
  1. Placing subjugated lives and voices at the moral center
  • voices being heard
  • people not being left out
  • everyone counts
  • everyone deserves a fair chance at life
  • Hear peoples stories but also engage in them

2. Unraveling social ideologies

*Pedgogy of freedom*

  • “The invention of “existence” neccessarily involves the emergenc of language, culture, and communication at levels of complexity much greater than that which obtains at the level of survival, self-defense, and self preservation” (53).
  • “I like to be human because in my unfinishedness I know that I am conditioned. Yet conscious of such conditioning. I know that I can go beyond it, which is the essential difference between conditioned and determined existence” (54).

3. Examining power, privilege, and social domination

  • talk about census interview done
  • share experiences from the classroom
  • put more emphasis on the 2020 census and reasoning behind it

4. Identifying victimization and agency

  • not everyone has the same resources
  • canal alliance offers many and new opportunities for people
  • people are living in fear

5. Creating a Social Movement

  • Becoming more vocal
  • Being a voice for the voiceless
  • educate people on census
  • educating people in general
  • creating a safe place


  • Share experiences within classrooms
  • Share conversations from class intructor
  • Talk about class environment and exercises done
  • Steps that can be taken in creating a more positive community
  • Think about working with other service learning students and comparing classroom information/notes

