Knowledge is Key

Brittney Cedeno
Self, Community, & Ethical Action
2 min readSep 2, 2019

I feel that Lorena feels that her job as a human being is to pave a path for all the people that come from tough backgrounds and to educate them on the law. She states in the article, “I told my supervisor that my mission is to change one person’s life. Educate one person, so if their boss tries to be bad to them, they’ll say, “No I know you can’t do that, that’s against the law” (194). She’s looking to help in anyway possible. Myles believes that his purpose is to listen and truly understand people and their lives. Calderon works to build student relationships while also having his students focus on todays’s world and the challenges that are faced everyday. Overall, all three of these individuals really look to educate the people around them. After reading and understanding what their roles may be as human beings really makes me question what my purpose is. Somedays I feel that I have a sense while other days I don’t.

Lorena, Horton , and Calderon are all engaged with similar social issues. They’re all working with education people surrounded by them, the youth, and even themselves. Their own life experiences is what really drives that true ambition knowing that they could be creating a trail for somebody else to do great things for their community or even themselves. Calderon shares that, “Thus the way we faculty run our classrooms and the way we connect those classrooms to our communities can truly affect whether our teaching and learning practices advance a more diverse, socially just, and democratic culture” (3). It all starts in the classroom. These are the young individuals that are next up. People are going to struggle no matter but the thing that truly matters is how they respond to it.

Building good habits is key when trying to make education more meaningful. Calderon suggests that “classroom cultures that support debate and critical study are necessary to advance a more democratic society” (2). When students feel that they can speak freely and aren’t scared at the thought of being judged by sharing their opinions then they’ll become more comfortable and engaged in discussions. I find it inspiring how committed all three of these individuals are in helping to make this world a better place. So far in my college experience I’ve never been in a class where I didn’t feel comfortable to share my own thoughts. It’s nice to know that my thoughts and opinions are actually valid and my outtake on life can be different to somebody elses but both should be respected.

