Prompt Critical Reflection 1: Our Job as Human Beings

Julia Van Der Ryn
Self, Community, & Ethical Action
2 min readAug 29, 2019
JR Inside Out project, Brooklyn

Readings: “Sabrina Needs Her Identity Back”, “Islands of Decency”, and “Perspective-Taking as a Tool for Building Democratic Societies”

(Please review the guidelines for CRs described on the last post. Please remember the questions are to help guide and support your thinking and connection-making.)

What? What do Lorena (Sabrina Needs Her Identity Back), Myles Horton (Islands of Decency), and Calderon (Perspective-Taking) believe their jobs are as human beings? (remember to use and reference quotes from the texts to support your interpretation). Does anything here inspire, resonate, or bring up more questions for you about how your job as a human being?

So what? What are the social issues that these Lorena, Horton, and Calderon are engaged with? How are they motivated by their own life experiences and those of marginalized people to struggle for what they believe is ethical, just, and democratic? (reference quotes/specific points in the text)

Now What? Horton is explicit about the problem with claiming neutrality. Calderon also illustrates how power can be used to oppress or liberate and writes that, “Ultimately, perspective-taking cannot occur without addressing questions of power” (3). He describes the vital relationship between education and democracy. All three (Lorena, Horton, Calderon) see education as crucial to their lives and the lives of others. What are some of the strategies, concepts, or tools that they use to make education meaningful, democratic, empowering? (You can pick one of the three texts to focus on). Which most interests you about their views and stories? Have you experienced anything similar in your education thus far or what interests you in relation to this class? (reference quotes/specific points in the text to support your ideas).

