Critical Reflection #3

Christian Jan Quitoriano
Self, Community, & Service
3 min readFeb 12, 2019

What I am getting out of what Hooks perceives the politics of domination and the struggle against the colonizing mindset is that the outcome for everything usually involves a white person. In my understanding, They go on about how sexism is very well aware in this world and many women are often denied high ranking positions in their life because they are female. In Teaching to Transgress, Hooks talks about how men in power usually have a blind spot when it comes to women in power saying, “I have not remained aware of not only the sexism of the language but the way he constructs a phallocentric paradigm of liberation- wherein freedom and the experience of patriarchal manhood are always linked as though they are one and the same” (Hooks49). Social identity plays a big role in peoples lives. Many believe that being a female is inferior to being a male when it comes to jobs or education. Power happens to those who are often white rather than people or color. This is shown everywhere as Tatum explains how white individuals are always portrayed in holly wood, social media, or in government positions. Freire’s writing concerns the many flaws that occur in our social society, whether it is sexism, sexual orientation, or color, many are often at a disadvantage point if you are not caucasian. On the other hand, Tatum goes on about how since he was an educated black man from a rural area, he had to struggle to get his education, while on the other hand, many white individuals are getting the best education that they can get — rich or poor.

All their writings helped me to understand that white people have the larger advantage when it comes to opportunities. Tatum talks about how his community had a hard time with education because it was a predominately black neighborhood and very rural. It is difficult for a huge number of his community to be engaged in educational things because their education system is not the best suit for anyone. Hooks writing helped me to understand how unfair our social roles are, whether it is gaining an opportunity to study or for a job, white males take the cake for everything. Lastly, Calderon taught me how unfair our society is towards minorities. Her story touched me in, no one wanted to talk to her because she was shy and was a person of color. People judged her thinking she was disabled and could not talk. In the United States, the system is honestly meant as an advantage for white men to succeed, while it is possible for people of color to succeed, they have to try harder in what they have to do than their white counterpart.

I was not able to go to my community partner yet because they are still trying to clear my background check. In my understanding however, it is a blessing that these workers and volunteers are taking their time out of their day to help these underfunded kids of color. This helps them to not only get the extra education they need to become successful, but also trains them to be responsible people. Social identity impacts the peoples ability to struggle in that, like explained in the readings, many minorities are already at a disadvantage at everyday life. They have to work much harder to pursue their goal to become successful.

