Course Guiding Questions: Group Concept Maps

Julia Van Der Ryn
Self, Community, & Service
1 min readApr 27, 2019
What? How is my identity, sense of meaning, and well-being interdependent with that of others? What have I learned from the community partners and voices of people I have worked with this semester? (How have you learned this, what ideas and community experiences have expanded or shifted your perspective and/or understanding?)
So What? A critical analysis of the structural issues that impact the community members you worked with. Who is most impacted and marginalized by systemic issues in our society? What are the larger contexts and histories that have shaped these conditions? Do we all bear collective responsibility to challenge and correct the structures that perpetuate inequity? (How have you learned this, what research, ideas, community experiences have informed your understanding?)
Now What? With this knowledge and experience how do I see my role/responsibilities within this larger context? How can we as individuals and as a collective democratic society think and act to create a more equitable and just world? (How have you learned this, what ideas and community experiences have expanded or shifted your perspective and/or understanding?)

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Practice principles of community engagement and social responsibility

2. Apply learning in social context(s)

3. Value community voice and knowledge

4. Critically analyze root causes of systemic social issues

Thematic Overlaps:

· Not Being Neutral,/Thinking for Ourselves/Speaking Truth/Critical Consciousness/Questioning the Status Quo

· The Role of Education/Critical Consciousness/ Liberation

· Recognizing Power Imbalances, Structural Racism/Structural

· Social Identity/The Myth of the American Dream and Individualism /Cultural Humility

· The Power of Story, Perspective-Taking/Accompaniment

· Individual and Collective Responsibility/Vulnerability/What Connects Us and Makes Us Humane Humans?

