Kindness in Today’s day and age

Mariah Ashby
Self, Community, & Service
3 min readApr 4, 2018

Being a kind person nowadays considered many things. What does it mean to be kind? Why is it important to be kind? In the reading Against Kindness, Kindness is the saboteur of the successful life. Kidness has nothing to do with nothing sexual, violence, nor money(5). Kidness can be considered dangerous and can be mistaken for feeling sympathetic (9).

Being kind can go along way, but today too many people are so narcissistic, that kindness is the last value on one’s mind. After reading the Against Kindness and Modern Kindess an antenna went up in my brain which relates towards my community partner experience. I see the role of vulnerablitiy and the act of kindess play out through my community Marin City. Marin City, a community where famalies of all races work hard to making a living. A community where gentification is still existing, and I, myself is considered a target of that. In one of the richest counties in America Marin hardly shows their sense of kindness for Marin City. In the reading, Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor express, “Kindness is seen either as a cover story or as a failure of nerve (8).” This qoute highlights on our board of supervisor Kate Sears and exectutive director of the Marin Housing Authority Lewis Jordan. This public leaders who have some kind of power to stop the tatics of gentification, can care less about my historic community. They didn’t put any effort into trying to save the history of Marin City that Marin City was built for the ship workers during WWII mainly Blacks. However, when he or she is asked questions about the deffered maintance since 2008 that will coast over 10 million dollars to fixed by concerned residents, their answers are non-chelant and very mono tone. There is no sense of kindness for the history here in Marin City.

In my community partner experience I had a chance to go door to door doing a legal aid survey on the maintaince issues on the public housing Golden Gate Village. I was absurded when I went inside people’s homes and noticed how bad the neglect of the maintaince is. I also connected with the reading when it stated, “We have become phobic of kindness in our societies, avoiding obvious acts of kindness and producing, as we do with phobias, endless rationalizations to justify our avoidance (8).” This county that I live in is a prime example of how the lack of kindness is bigger than a behavioral issue, it’s a society political issue as well.

When individuals can illustate the moral value of kindness our world will be a more fufilling. In Morden Kindness the creation of the National Health Service is dramatically enhancing the lives of the Britons (99). This shows some societies have feelings, and are influenced by kindness. This illustrates how my community and county as a whole can have the same moral ability if they can install values of kindness. Being caring starts with one selves: “The happiness or unhappiness of the society in which we live depends upon ourselves as citizens (99).”

More over, Rauch’s story on Ear Hustle podcats, illuminates on the human desire to care, through his connection with living creature’s. Since inmates aren’t allowed to have pets, the living creatures like: pigeons, rabbits, centipedes, moths, frogs, and tarantula’s were pets that gave the inmates some sense of compainionship through vulnerable times. Having these pets to communicate or have is soothing for the inmate. They are able to relax and feel that comfort. This story signifies and connects with my community partnership because it makes me realize eventhough my community is a place of poverty and it’s hard to survive due to the coast of living, oppersion, and gentrification; The simple things like a roof over your head is vital or community that truly represents equality, it makes a difference in one’s life or can be considered soothing.

We must always keep the value of kindness because you never know how valunerable a person is and could actually rub off on someone.

