
Peter Adrian
Self Confidence
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2020

One thing I’m really coming to see more and more is the interconnectedness of all minds. I feel as though there are impulses that come through the ether and enter our minds while we’re open and willing to listen.

I’m seeing this more and more often with my girlfriend. We both feel inspired to do exactly the same thing at the same time. We both randomly hum the same tune at the same time. It’s as if we’re totally synchronized. As if life is just a river and the waves carry us both together.

When I am aware, I notice there is a synchrony in this sense to all of creation. But it’s our freedom to see otherwise. All minds are connected to the energy and intelligence of all creation. We are in this sense, each of us, a unique thought in the mind of God.

And although I am free to think otherwise, when I let myself forget these ideas, I automatically fall into this river and remember unity.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash



Peter Adrian
Self Confidence

Sharing insights that wake us up to our true nature. Book a coaching session at http://peteradrian.org