
Follow Your Own True North

Flipping Script(s) 101

Upasana Sharma


Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

From the second that you’re in this world,
They tell you what is “fair”,
The questions you’re allowed to ask,
And the ones you wouldn’t dare,
Placed on the path they’ve paved for you,
Life pushes you along,
Without the chance to stop and think,
If it’s right where you belong,
But beyond your pathway edges,
Is where living really starts,
A land of risks and danger,
And a land of broken hearts,
They’ll tell you, you should fear this land,
That there’s no good there at all,
As they live their lives as they’ve been taught,
Behind expectation’s wall,
But the best people you will ever meet,
Have wandered off their track,
Found themselves along the way,
And have no need to wander back,
So forget about life’s road map,
Follow your heart at any cost,

For you’ll truly never find yourself,
If you’re too scared to get lost.

Author’s Note: Finding True North is a commonly used expression which according to the freedictionary means, “To find or proceed on the correct course or in the right direction. A reference to finding the position of the North Pole (e.g., by compass or by locating a pole star) so as to navigate properly. says ,“Many of us have GPS devices in our cars or on our phones now — global positioning systems that interface satellites with maps to locate where we are and how to get from one place to another. In a clear, pleasant, mechanical voice it talks to you, saying things like: “Left turn approaching, 200 feet.” Or if you take a wrong turn it says, “Recalculating route,” and sets you back on track. And when you get to your destination, it says, very satisfyingly, “You have arrived.” Perhaps spiritual guidance could work something akin to this. One would get directions about a particular choice or where one should go. There are right turns and wrong turns, a particular destination, and a particular route (plus recalculations, as needed). While it’s true that one can get a very strong intuition to do something in particular — or not to do it — I’ve come to believe that the compass is a more apt metaphor for the way intuition and inner guidance work. Following that compass, the path may be winding, but we can trust that the direction is true.”

I invite my younger friends to go forth boldly in the direction of your dreams, and my older friends to support and encourage their visions. Never be ashamed of perceived failures and making mistakes, for they are the first steps in learning. Ruthlessly edit your life as frequently as you would like, for it is your masterpiece. Explore and cultivate what does and doesn’t work for you. Do not COMPROMISE. Follow your own star.

The theme is widely based on the lines of ‘Finding your soul’s own true north and not following someone else’s perception of direction’.

Thank you dearest Lee Ameka, for sheltering my artwork at your publication, Self-Crafted.

Thank you so much for reading, dear friends.
Good Shabbos!



Upasana Sharma

Usui reiki master • Shamanic healer • Empowerment coach • Podcaster • Writer • Polyglot • Teacher • Entrepreneur •