Leaves like Prayers

Sending Love in a Kyrielle after the Flooding, with a Photo Story of our Wisteria

Lee Ameka


pic by Author; kid allowed to pick wisteria leaves again

Leaves like Prayers (a Kyrielle)

Leaves a-many have filled in the trees
and my thoughts of you are buzzing like bees
When I sent my love, I could hear your laughter
As I splashed my hands, for a moment in water

The water, my love, is a blessing again
Not long ago, there was way too much rain
I thought of you, midst the flooding, then later
As I splashed my hands, for a moment in water

As all turns rust, and the dry sets in
The life in these leaves, is Grace ever-green
I’ve collected these prayers and send them with laughter
As I splashed my hands, for a moment in water

pic by Author; sending leaves in a rubber ducky

There are Leaves on the Wisteria, and All is Well

Every year in late October, the wisteria covers our back porch with luxury unimagined; flowers dripping…

