Read This if You Think You’re Introverted

Agash Arulanantham
Published in
8 min readJun 9, 2022

I have always been an Introverted guy and most likely if you are reading this you are someone who is also Introverted as well and you’re looking for someone you can relate with OR you’re someone who simple wants to know more about Introversion…

Common Misconceptions

First thing I wanted to clear up is that Introversion and Social Anxiety are NOT the same thing!

Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

It often does coincide with Social Anxiety because as an Introvert because chances as you are less socialised than somebody who is more extraverted

I can say this way me in the younger year I had definitely high levels of social anxiety always caring about what other people thought of me and acting in a way which would make sure there was not conflict around me

It is only looking back that I realised that the main reason for this was due to playing hours upon hours of video games greatly frying my dopamine receptors along with neglecting my social skills

The thing is it is perfectly possible to be an Introvert and be well spoken. This is where I feel like I am at right now where you could say I am immune to other people’s opinion and I genuine really don’t care about what other people think

And I could speak out about issues that I truly care about from a purely logical perspective if I wanted to, but the only thing is I just prefer sitting back and listening to what others have to say as it acts as an opportunity to learn from others

Another misconception I want to clear up is that there is no such thing as being a true introvert or extrovert. Everyone has a little bit of both in them, it’s just that everyone has a different balance

I would say I’m about 80% Introvert and 20% Extrovert and if you see me in real life you will find out very quickly that I am a naturally reserved person

I generally don’t like big crowds and I like keeping to myself and I spend a lot of time in my head. I think if you consider yourself an introvert, you can relate especially in Western Society that we’ve been conditioned that being an Introvert is not necessarily a good thing- it’s not conducive to success…

However, this is honestly why I’m making this video, being an Introvert can be a very powerful thing and you should lean into your strengths

I think we should answer the question of what is an Introvert?

An Introvert recharges their Social Battery by being alone. This is the exact opposite of an Extrovert. An extrovert recharges their social battery by being around other people

And I think a great way to tell if you’re Introverted is what do you do to recharge your social battery? Do you prefer to sit and chill watching Netflix by yourself or close family and friends or do you go to parties and clubs to whine down?

If you’re Introverted like I am, the idea of going to parties and club with the intent of recharging yourself is an oxymoron… it literally doesn’t compute our heads lol.

Sometimes it can be hard for extroverts to understand how badly introverts need to recharge at the end of a busy day. I would say an Introvert put in a Social Setting for too long will feel a similar sensation to being sleep deprived

It is almost a form of kryptonite!

However, with that being said, I do recommend learning to be comfortable in all situations and power levelling your Social Skills whenever you do get the opportunity to connect with other people…

I will be honest, this is something that I’ve actively been working on for the past couple months and you will start to discover which environments you thrive in when it comes to socialising

But so far from my experience, I thrive in one-to-one conversations and conversations where there is an activity involved

I pretty much emulated the feeling you get when you’re gaming with a group of people because that is what I have found puts me in a flow state

The main point is more so about that fact that I’m able to share that experience with the other person

Even as an Introvert I do think it is in your best interest to develop your Small Talk Skills specifically… and I know I HATE small talk!

Photo by Kate Kalvach on Unsplash

I don’t want to know how your weekend went; I honestly don’t care lol. I want to know what you think about life, the afterlife, your goals

These are the things that I care about, but we have to also realise that small talk is a “necessary evil” which acts as a gateway to connect with other people

The thing is we must also be respectful of the fact that regardless of whether your introverted or extraverted, we must be respectful of other people

I am going to be completely honest, I used always be someone who would be internally annoyed with the other person simply because I felt like the other person wasn’t really comprehending what I was talking about

However, what I understand now is I had to acknowledge the fact that there’s a sort of language barrier, which isn’t really talked about

For instance, more Introverted Individuals tend to be more comfortable talking about Deeper Topics and Extroverted individuals are naturally more comfortable talking about Shallow Topics

Therefore, if you consider yourself an Introvert, you can quite easily have a super long conversation with another Introvert, whereas having a conversation with another Extrovert for even 10 minutes feels like your energy’s is being drained away from you

This is honestly the reason why I started creating content, I’ve always felt this feeling of being misunderstood, especially with people that I talk to around me and these stories act as a signal out there to people you resonate with what I’m saying and genuinely feel understood

Use Introversion to Your Advantage

If you consider yourself Introverted, you are probably creative. You may have a creative outlet that you invest your time into

Whether this is Journaling, Art or Content Creation like me, there has been research done where it says that creativity in any field requires

1. Solitude

2. Intense Concentration

It’s funny there has literally been studies done that found that most creative people tended to be independent, individualistic and shy, solitary teenagers

It has also been stated multiple times that the key to outstanding achievement requires deliberate practice, which can only be undertaken alone

But you probably already knew this as you always knew deep down that working with a group isn’t really your forte even though you probably didn’t want to admit it to yourself.

This has especially been true for me when I am creating these stories as I am able to deep dive into such topics I’m genuinely interested in by myself in my own time

There is this certain level of freedom and a level of flow state I hit when I research and write these stories which cannot be described unless you were in my shoes…

In fact you probably have a hobby which put you in a flow state where the time just flies by without you really thinking lol

This is a side topic, I don’t know if it’s just me but whenever it starts raining outside, I almost feel more relaxing and acts as a calming

I also find my creativity in anything that I’m working on skyrocket during the night-time, despite being someone who wakes up at around 5am almost every day

I guess the explanation I have for that is all that remains is a sense of quiet where I can just concentrate on my craft. Now I don’t know why but it’s something I’ve just noticed being introverted

It’s also interesting to note that you could say as a generalisation that Asia is typically introverted while Europe and the US are typically highly extroverted. Now I think I must note that it’s important we don’t stereotype entire cultures and assigning group characteristics to individuals.

Just based off my personal experience, in the Asian countries especially there is a pedestalise education very highly as they idealise conservative values and tradition to a certain extent

Fake introverts

Now when I mention someone being a “Fake Introvert” it is funny how every introvert reading this don’t consider themselves to be in this category, because I will tell you one think almost most men are in this category

In my opinion, there is largely one deciding factor for this:

For most Fake Introverts, they solely come from a standpoint of how they can fulfil their animalistic sexual desires and come from a standpoint of leeching off of others

In other words, how they can get something from someone

Because I will be honest most true Introverts tend to be more Philosophical and Spiritual rather and Materialistic

Fake Introverts tend to look life shallowly and the main culprit is pedestalising women and the form of female intimacy usually through pornography and masturbation

And these Fake Introverted Men think what will make them happy is diving headfirst into temptations and receiving pleasures will lead to fulfilment. Whether that is solely trying to chase Sex, Money or Muscle.

“If I can just get the Body, the Money and the Female… in other words, all the fake surface level stuff then that will bring me fulfilment so that people think that I’m the man”

As you can imagine this is largely stemmed from Insecurity and Anxiety

In fact, for each of the external reward that I have mentioned, each man should be:

Chasing becoming Skilful at a craft or how much value they can provide RATHER than just looking at the money

Chasing the pr’s in the gym RATHER than constantly looking in the mirror at the muscle development

Chasing Excellence and trying to become a man who can provide for others RATHER than just being an impulsive little boy chasing for sex

And even if I clicked my fingers right now and those guys get all of the external rewards we’ve talked about now, they would still be that shy awkward person, but they would be wearing a Canada goose jacket and Louis Vuittons

And the main reason why is because those guys simply haven’t done the work and yet to establishing rock solid Values and Self-Belief within themselves

True Introverts are consciously aware that working on your passion/craft and being on your Purpose is for you and you only… not for external validation or anybody else’s approval

After doing some deep journaling I have realised for myself, I crave and pedestalise Freedom and seeking the Truth

The Freedom not only for myself but for others to have the choice and the freedom to live the way they want to, whilst having the ability to share my god given talents to help others

I appreciate you reading this story



Agash Arulanantham

Helping Young Men on their Self-Improvement Journey regarding Positive Masculinity, Human Psychology and Philosophy