Blue White Robotics

David Silver
Self-Driving Cars
Published in
Dec 17, 2020

I always enjoy learning about new autonomous vehicle companies. Recently I heard from an Israeli startup called Blue White Robotics that is working with lots of different types of autonomous vehicles.

BWR offers an end-to-end service that includes robots, software, operations, and even “boots on the ground.” Their website has photos of drones and autonomous shuttles and self-driving cars, alongside business objectives that range from agricultural pollination to medical transportation to HAZMAT.

Their website sizes the company at 60 employees, which implies a fairly large existing operational portfolio.

Like Bestmile, the goal for Blue White Robotics appears to be a multi-modal platform that customers can configure for their specific needs. A little bit like “AWS for autonomy.”

This is a big goal and I am excited to see companies like BWR aiming for it.

