Jobs with Udacity Hiring Partners

David Silver
Self-Driving Cars
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2017

Our guiding star in developing the Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program is to help students get jobs working on autonomous vehicles.

To that end, we’ve built hiring partnerships with some of the most exciting employers in the world of autonomous vehicles.

Our newest hiring partners include giants like Fiat-Chrysler and Lockheed Martin, critical suppliers like Delphi and Velodyne and Dataspeed, as well as exciting startups like Renovo.

We work directly with recruiters at these companies to identify open positions that Udacity students might be interested in. Then we announce those positions in the Udacity Career Resource Center, and encourage students to apply.

Once students apply, we connect students to employers and guide students through the interview process.

Udacity has been focused on careers for several years, but this level of support is new to the Self-Driving Car Program, and we’re really excited about it. As Sebastian said recently, you can’t talk about education today without talking about jobs.

