Why Self-Driving Cars and How We Got Here

The Evolution from Horseless to Driverless — An Introduction to Self-Driving Cars (Part 1)

Moorissa Tjokro
Self-Driving Cars


Image credits to AARP.org

When my team and I first launched the Tesla Full Self-Driving beta release last year, I had never felt so close to our customers and the range of experiences they encountered when trying out our product for the first time. Working alongside engineers who cared and fought so hard for everyone’s safety, I could not help but imagine what the world would be like in 5 or 10 years from now when autonomous driving becomes the norm.

There will always be issues to fix and features to improve, but the indescribable thrill of having experienced the self-driving software firsthand might be well-compared to that when we first experienced how Google search and the ‘dot-com boom effect’ changed our ways of learning in late 1990s — for good. Or in 2015 when ride-hailing services like Uber revolutionized our mode of transportation, disrupting the taxi industry with the power of technology that effectively connects us as passengers to drivers or vice versa.

Our lives were forever changed because of these technological advances. Similarly, driverless cars would bring about one of the biggest societal and…

