Start Meditation With These Amazing Meditation Forms For Beginners.

Lewis Machuka
Self Esteem
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2021

Just like praying is an approach to getting close and one on one with God, so is meditation an approach to relaxing or training the mind. Give me a chance to take you through some of the most common ways to start meditation with the following meditation forms.

Before that, just for your information, it’s being argued by some neuroscience lab director Richard Davidson that meditation is a practice that requires different mental skills.

As a beginner, it’s usually very difficult for one to be able to sit in one place for hours and set his or her mind at peace and “empty”. But that should be a hurdle to stop you from being able to start learning meditation, there are various tools out there that will really help you in getting started on meditation such as meditation DVDs or on which I really loved as a beginner was a brain-sensing headband that really helped me through this kind of tough process. focusing on your breath is the main key to a successful beginner in meditation as it increases your concentration.

HEADBAND EARPHONES; listen as you meditate

This is a type of meditation that tends to make the practitioner view wandering objects hovering through the mind.

While using this form of meditation, you are able to observe your thoughts and your feelings tend to move in a regular motion or pattern.

In the long run ,you tend to become more aware in making a judgement on an experience as either good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant and this develops an inner balance.


This type of meditation tends to improve the ability of a person in focusing on a single object or point which might involve breath, mantra(repeating a single word), counting beads, listening to repetitive gong or even staring at a candle flame for a period. It’s usually advisable as a beginner in meditation ,one is required to meditate for a few minutes and then work slowly up to longer hours.

In this type of meditation, it enables you to refocus your awareness on the specified object each time your mind hovers around. It prevents you from attracting other random thoughts as you simply drive them away.


There are also other various techniques to meditation , for instance, the Buddhist monks practice a daily meditation which focuses on the cultivation of compassion. This type of meditation enables one to be able to envision negative events and recasting them in a positive light converting them through compassion. Other moving meditation techniques include tai chi, and walking meditation.


If relaxation isn’t the aim of any meditation, it is usually the result. A research done in Harvard University Medical School, introduced the term “relaxation response” after a research on people who practice transcendental meditation. It’s “an opposite ,involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

These are some of the short-term benefits documented on the studies of relaxation response:

  • Less anxiety
  • Less perspiration
  • Slower respiratory rate
  • More feelings of well being
  • Less stress
  • Lower heart rate
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved blood circulation

Research is still ongoing by contemporary researchers to establish a consistent meditation practice that yields long-term benefits, and noting positive effects on the brain and the immune function among meditators.

Liberation of the mind from any attachment to things it cannot control is the ultimate goal or benefit according to the Buddhist philosophy, for example unavoidable external circumstances and strong inner emotions. This helps the practitioner to maintain a calm mind and some sense of inner harmony.


  • Lie comfortably on the floor or a meditation chair or you might want to invest on a meditation cushion.
  • Close your eyes. I recommend using some Cooling Eye Mask.
  • Just breathe naturally without struggling to control your breath.
  • Be attentive on your breath and focus on how your body moves with each other in inhalation and exhalation. Study the movement of your body as you breathe in and out. Feel your chest, shoulders, rib cage and case your mind starts hovering around try as much as possible to focus on your breath and don’t try to control the pace and intensity of your breath.

Keep up with this simple meditation trick for at-least two to three minutes to start and gradually try going for longer periods.

When you are through finding the appropriate meditation formula, you might want to use this amazing Ultimate PowerManifestor Toolkit to help you improve your money manifestation skills.

