4 Things You Can Do to Become More Self Aware

Avis J. Williams
Self Growth Mindset
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by Alexandra K on Unsplash

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” — Ralph Ellison

Self-awareness is having a conscious knowing of who you truly are, including your strengths, weaknesses, desires, beliefs and core values. Becoming more self aware allows you to understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave in a particular way. Also helps you to understand how other people may perceive you, based on your responses to them. Below are four of the best ways that have helped me become more self aware.

1. Take a counselling skills course

I studied counselling and psychotherapy for two years. It has enabled me to see aspects of my thought process and behaviour that I may not have noticed before. Which has allowed me to change my thought process before an emotional reaction or negative behaviour occurs. Counselling has enabled me to distinguish from our own thoughts and feelings about my experience. Taking ownership of your emotional experiences and possible emotional triggers, we are less likely to confuse them with the experiences of other people.

2. Write in a journal

I journal and write about my thoughts, feelings and experiences when I look back on what I have written I see aspects of myself that I did not…



Avis J. Williams
Self Growth Mindset

Spirituality, Personal Growth Writer and Coach at AvisWilliams.com ✦ Founder of WellnessPrintables.com ✦ UX / UI / Digital Product Designer at AvisJWilliams.com