Tricked By Peter Sage

Just when I thought I could trust him

Dominique Williams
Self-Help Hurts


Image taken from under Fair Use

When I signed up to the webinar, I expected to hear the same old rhetoric I’d heard before attached to a price tag at the end. It’s not my first rodeo, after all. So with minimal sleep, I woke up and started listening to what this crazy looking man had to say.

And you know what? It surprised me, in a pleasant and inspirational way.

I listened to the end and considered my options. Did I feel like I was worth investing in? Absolutely. All the way up to the moment he revealed the cost. I had done the mental gymnastics to determine what I felt the program was worth to me.

Not because the freedom or transformation has a price tag, mind you. But I’ve got bills to pay.

I figured, ok, I could justify $20/month, or $250 a year. Anything more seemed over my means. The pitch dragged on, citing countless “values” in the same predictable way every other pitch does these days.

Then Mr. Sage hit me with the cost. $349. That was $100 over what I had mentally budgeted. So I waited.



Dominique Williams
Self-Help Hurts

I am here to spread compassion, love, and peace- though that may not be nice, sexy, or happy.