Brandon LaBella
Progress Clarity
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018


Why Movies Are The New Podcasts

I Always Hated Movies. But now, a year after my spiritual awakening in South Africa, I can’t resist movies. I have consumed countless episodes of podcasts and over 30 books so far this year, and a good movie will always give me the greatest enjoyment, growth, perspective, and most importantly personal progress clarity on where I am at in my own movie.

Unlike the dopamine hits from instant gratification that we can feel the rush from eating watermelon sour patch kids, playing fortnight, smoking weed and drinking alcohol, watching a three minute motivational video, or listening to a podcast from Tony Robbins that pumps you up feeling energized and powerful, a well-produced movie with a life story gives you sustained satisfaction. It gives hope of what society can become when we are good functional human beings. It also, gives me crystal clear progress clarity on how far I have come over the last year from deathly asleep on auto-pilot to being fully-awake. It shows all the dark roads that I was so close to experiencing had I not awakened and has proven to me that our society is at the pure beginning of unleashing our good and unlocking our full potential. Even when the fiction and non-fiction figures are at their lowest of lows, they have the opportunity to awaken, change their life and create positive impact on society. Many podcasts can share education and hope to the listener and are a valuable positive resource, but they don’t give the full story of the journey, just the highlights of the highs and lows. Movies show the most insignificant moments that make the journey possible that no one talks about. And That’s what our society is missing today. We don’t appreciate and understand the little moments that have gotten us to where we are today. This enables us to justify that we shouldn’t reach out and help that friend who needs help because it will hurt his/her feelings . This enables us to justify that we shouldn’t smile and talk to random strangers because we might come off as weird. But the reality is that the most unexpected, uncomfortable moments are the ones that are most significant on your journey. Movies allow you to be present for the entire journey. When you are truly awakened watching, no matter how much regret is in the past or how many mountains are facing in the present, you can truly be honest with yourself. You can create your own progress bar in your own movie through visualizing your perspective with the Director’s Intention. Don’t sell yourself or anyone else short of reaching their full potential. You never know what moment of your own movie or someone’s movie won’t be captured if you never put yourself out there to fail. I am so grateful for all the people who have unexpectedly crossed my path that have significantly changed my life for the better. Whether it was a run-in at the Cape Town Airport with a fellow American, or an hour conversation at 4am in the Hawaiian airport, I will never be able to thank those people who accepted the responsibility to create those moments with me. My Movie would be a lot different if it weren’t for the hundreds that have let me into their own movie. On This Beautiful Monday, I ask for one thing: To Cheer and Give To Other People To Help Them Progress In Their Own Movie.



Brandon LaBella
Progress Clarity

Positive Enthusiast, Best Selling Author, Unofficial World Record Holder, World Traveler(45 Countries & 40 States), Serial Dreamer, Philanthropist, Podcast Host