News Squad
Self Improved
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2023


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Today, I am drawn to talking about an extraordinary individual; an individual who has, through his works, offered profound insights therough self-reflection and deep personal exploration. Hermann Hesse, the German-Swiss novelist and poet, impresses with his introspective style of writing, pulling readers into a whirlpool of ideas and expressions. And out of all his wisdom-infused words, one quote shines brightest for me: “I have no right to call myself one who knows…”

This particular quote hails from one of Hesse’s many splendoured works, Demian, a captivating exploration into self-realization and personal transformation. But what makes it so unique? Why does it resonate on a deeper level than many others? Hesse invites the reader to embark on an inward journey, a journey of self-inquiry and contemplation, wrapping his narrative around redefining the perception of ‘knowing’.

Essentially, Hesse tells us that the act of ‘knowing’ is not as finite as we presume. It is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing, never ending journey of experiences, learning and growth. Claiming that one ‘knows’, essentially seals off the potential to learn more and grow further. In essence, to proclaim oneself as ‘one who knows’ is to declare an end to the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, and hence, personal growth.

We might argue what’s the harm, in claiming we know something? Yet, on a closer look, we find the danger lies not in the assertion itself, but in the complacency it lures us into. When we assert that we ‘know’, we unintentionally barricade ourselves against the potential of novel ideas, insights, and experiences. The walls of assumption gravitate towards the closing of our minds, slowly veering us on a tsunami of stagnation and intellectual dropout.

But how do we counter this? How do we fortify ourselves against such pitfalls? The advice Hesse imparts is simple yet striking: embrace the uncertainty. Revel in the fact that there will always exist unknown realms begging for conquest; that we will constantly be on a journey of discovery and self-exploration. And by doing this, we keep alive within us, the spark of curiosity and innovation. We will be constantly privy to personal growth and development.

In our pursuit of self-improvement, let’s take a moment to ponder on Hesse’s philosophy. His words serve as a not-so-subtle reminder that the path of knowledge is endless and one must cease to label oneself as an ‘all-knower’. Instead of asserting our knowledge, let us remain curious, open-minded, and ready to accept new ideas and perspectives. Also, it can be helpful to consciously remind ourselves of how much we’ve yet to learn.

To break this down into simpler terms, remember the analogy of explorers and uncharted territories. Just as they believed in endless lands waiting to be discovered, we too must believe that there is always something to learn and a way to improve ourselves. Let Hesse’s thought-provoking words mold your philosophy, guide your thoughts, and stimulate your personal growth. So, becoming more than the mundanities of stereotypes, let’s continue embracing the thrilling and immensely rewarding pursuit of knowledge, right upto our last breath.

So, where do we stand in the grand scheme of things? Humility is the key. And Hesse’s quote is a brilliant reminder of just that. A constant reminder that one must remain a perennial student, forever open to learning, growing, and improving. By holding on to this philosophy of continual learning, we’re assured of a life enriched by endless wisdom, personal development, and invaluable life lessons.


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