News Squad
Self Improved
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2023


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In the vast landscape of human thought, the pursuit of meaning has long been a central theme. Whether it’s in the silent contemplation of a philosopher or the lively debate among friends, the question “What is the meaning of life?” has been tossed and turned in countless ways. Some consider this question to be the most profound of all human inquiries, while others see it more like a riddle without an answer, akin to asking “What does the color red taste like?” There’s no universal answer, no one-size-fits-all solution to the meaning of life, mainly because everyone experiences life differently.

The age we live in is often described as one of cosmic futility. Scientific advancements have shown us the vastness of the cosmos, leading many to feel like a speck in a universe that’s indifferent to our existence. Authors like David Benatar in “The Human Predicament” discuss the challenges we face when confronting the potentially bleak aspects of our existence and the seeming pointlessness that can accompany our realizations of mortality and the vastness of the universe. But despite this existential challenge, finding purpose remains a fundamental aspect of the human experience.

How, then, do we find meaning and purpose in an era where old assurances may no longer suffice? The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy touches on historical figures in philosophy who’ve grappled with this question, recording the diversity of thought on what makes life meaningful. The answers range vastly, some rooted in religious or spiritual beliefs, others in secular commitments to morality, art, or personal achievement.

One of the keys to finding purpose amidst cosmic futility is to embrace the quest itself. Instead of looking to the stars for signs of meaning, we might be better suited looking inside ourselves and to the immediate world around us. Personal connections, the impact we have on others, the pursuit of knowledge and individual passions — these are all sources of value that can contribute to a life filled with purpose.

Another consideration is accepting the impermanence of life and the unpredictability of the universe as a backdrop, rather than a deterrent, to constructing meaning. This can be seen in various forms of existentialist thought where the lack of inherent purpose demands that we create our own. Making a choice, any choice, in defining what is essential is in itself an affirmation of our ability to bestow meaning.

Engaging in work that aligns with our values can also provide a bedrock of purpose. This doesn’t mean one must find the perfect job but rather seek to understand what aspects of their work resonate with their inner values and invest in those areas. It’s about quality, not just in what we produce but in how we feel about our actions and their alignment with our beliefs.

Serving and contributing to the community is another profound way to anchor purpose in one’s life. It’s easy to feel small and insignificant in the grand cosmos, but on a communal level, one can see the tangible effects of their actions. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being a kind and engaged neighbor, these actions can imbue our lives with a sense of meaning that is concrete and immediate.

Lastly, embracing the journey of personal development can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s purpose. By constantly learning, adapting, and growing, we craft our path and can find great satisfaction and meaning in the progress itself. The dedication to self-improvement and the cultivation of our minds and bodies can offer a powerful counterbalance to feelings of insignificance.

In conclusion, the era of cosmic futility need not be a dead-end for those seeking meaning in life. By valuing personal quest, aligning with personal values, investing in community, and committing to growth, we can discover purpose in a seemingly indifferent universe. Instead of being paralyzed by the vastness of the unknown, we can find solace in the richness of our own existence and the positive impact we can make within our own spheres of influence.


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