15 things I know for sure now that I will soon be 30 !

C. Befoune


I never planned to be 30. Never.

As far back as I can remember, I always dreamt to be 40. I thought “At 40, I will be a totally fulfilled woman, proud of myself, of my achievements, and happy”. I never thought about the struggle (and the struggle IS real, people!), only the feeling of contentment looking back at all the wonderful things that would have been achieved.

So, 30. Living the struggle. Working my a** off to make it. Here is the list of 15 amazing things I learned while suffering on my way to bliss .

1- I need a plan. And goals. I always thought I could make it only because I am passionate with what I am doing but… without THE plan, the vision can easily be corrupted.

2- I need help. I never thought I would say that, but… I need help. I cannot make it on my own. I need to learn from people who are successful or on their way to success in every aspects of life. I am now an avid reader of what these people write and motivational podcasts replaced music in my earphones.

3- I need a support system, people on the same journey to achievement and who are experiencing the same issues. This is important. They cheer me up when I am down and their insights are more than useful. I don’t need them to be good to me or to complain about the difficulties along the way. I need them to throw cold water on my face when I am going astray. And I am always ready to do the same.

4- There is a clear difference between professional success and success in life. Do not reduce your life to your profession, because it is only 0.000009% of what you can do with it.

5- I don’t have to stick to only one professional activity. I have three and I am more than happy with them : one that makes money and that I like, one that makes me discover a totally new domain and I love it, and the last one which is my passion.

5- (Yes, another 5! Why? Because I wan to!) I am not living this life to be miserable. I don’t like my job? I quit! I don’t like what is on my plate? I don’t eat it! I will not do what I don’t want to do because it makes me feel miserable and moody. And I don’t want to be miserable and/or moody.

6- Your life can be the complete opposite of what you thought it would be. And that is perfectly ok. Sometimes dreams are not made to happen, but to nourish the faith you (should) have in yourself.

7- It is perfectly ok not to think about getting married or having children, it is perfectly ok to decide to do what you want with your life FIRST, before thinking (if ever it happens!) about doing what people expect you to do. You are you, and there is nothing you can do better than being yourself.

8- It is very easy to get everything. All it takes is HARD work and keeping up with it. It is also very easy to lose everything. How ? With this simple thought : I am going to do it tomorrow! Procrastination is a killer!

9- Successes are not made to be sat on. They are made to put a smile on your face… for 30 seconds… and then you have to go back to working hard to achieve the next goal.

10- I need MY morning routine. Without it I am nothing. I wake up very early, I tidy my room immediately after, then 1 hour to 1 hour and a half of fitness. Then I listen to podcasts in the shower. And then I am happy and very productive all day.

11- I live to learn. Full stop. I open my eyes, my ears and my brain for knowledge to get through it each and every minute of my life.

12- Family is everything !!!!

13- God comes first, but I am my first love. Selfishness is very important in this life. You need to think about yourself, or you will sure die inside to make other people live…

14- Happiness comes from within. Always. There is NO exception. People can make you happy, but you have to be happy with yourself first. I am happy because I learned how to fall in love with myself, and I am more and more in love with the woman I am becoming.

15- Time is one of the most precious things in life. Never waste your time. Never.

Now you know everything. I am not that in a hurry to be 40 anymore. On the contrary, I can’t wait to get through everything the next ten years have in store for me. Soon to be 30 and so ready for the struggle. That is me !



C. Befoune

Bleeding on paper, unleashing the human. I stopped writing here. Find me on mesdigressions.com