Final Letter To My Baby Sisters As They Get To University

Feat. Tsi and Larissa

Tchassa Kamga
Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2016


Hey. How are you? We just finished packing your stuff in your room. To be honest, I’m exhausted. But I know you are too. As well as Mum. Plus, you should be feeling very bizarre in this new environment. Hostels? University? Ugh. Who needs those things?

Anyway, I wrote two pretty weird public letters. I know. I wish I had a brother who would would actually talk to me rather than go online and show what a cool elder brother he is.

Tell me about it.

Well, if you didn’t read them *teary eyed* you can still read the first letter and the second.

What you’re reading, is the last part of my collection of advice to you as you come to this place I’ve spent the last 7 years of my life in.

Of course, it’s incomplete. And there are things I may have overlooked or undermined. So, take all of this with loads of salt eh.

This is the last part of the list. The last mental notes I have of the lessons I learned and tips you could use to have a better stay in the Uni. than I did.

It’s okay to be confused about what you want.



Tchassa Kamga

I write about faith, family, and finance. Sharing my perspective and learnings along the way.