Free Conscience


M Sahr Nouwah- The Hunter’s Grandson
2 min readJan 16, 2021


Robbie Herrera (on Unsplash)

I am never stranded
I owe no apology
My world is free of fear
My Science is free of hate and racism
I stand to raise those I meet on my way
For I know, they will receive me while descending.

I am overwhelmed but not conquered
I work with my intent, not for any attention
I maneuver like a snake on the tarmac
Dribbling and rolling and floating till I am on the other side
My weakness defines only my strength
My resilience is only a compass
For those who see me
Only know what they see — I am rigidly built not superficially.

I was never created fixated on whether to follow or to lead
I have chosen a path of my own guided by instinct
I sprout like a seed — seeking heaven through the beam
refusing to be anyone’s slave — not even my own conscience.

When I serve, I mean it
Service makes me not a slave — for I know, pride pays evil and less good
I serve for the sole reason of serving — hoping that I am defined afterward
with hope and diligence and intent, I am blooming.

Till we can embrace the need for a free world,
I am my own king — free and steady
Driven by free thought
Built in my inner person.



M Sahr Nouwah- The Hunter’s Grandson

Using poetry and storytelling to challenge issues affecting women and children within modern society, focusing on human development and fighting poverty.