Sapiosexual, Female and Proud.

A poem

Miss Bosieh
2 min readJan 5, 2019


photo credits by Rainier Ridao on Unsplash

Don’t judge me by my cover,
I can be tough on the outside though my insides are mellow.

The preface is brief, simple, curiosity keeps you going;
Not enough to make you like me, enough to make you wonder.

The first lines are hard, bitter, confusing
Don’t get in your feelings, I’m testing your patience.

It’s a long read, better get comfortable.
The first chapters are slow, I tiptoe, leave you guessing,

What would it feel like to turn the pages of my mind,
Sneak peek into what pricks me, make my brain spin?

Half done, our minds link up, it’s a date
My words are deep like the ocean, pages thick like cream,

All in place to caress the intellect, silky touch,
Sexy brains, inter-woven like lace, partitioned like music,

They spin, russian roulette, bring out the winning numbers,
Ours will dance the tango, to the tune of our knowledge,

Keep reading, it gets better, the genie is out of the bottle,
Dive in, it’s a data feast with a top-notch connection;

Seduce your mind, body offers no opposition,
Sapiosexual, female, music to your ears,

Dimensions of possibilities, opportunities,
The book ends but not the brain, it maps out the path.

Follow it, it leads to the next book.

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Miss Bosieh

Lover of life, On a journey to happiness, documenting each step.