Tell your friends the truth

Not everything has to be a secret

Miss Bosieh
2 min readJun 8, 2019


Life will be lonely and boring if we didn’t have friends, they are the spice of life. They represent the little angels the good Lord places on our path. I mean the real ones, not the hypocrites and wolves clothed in sheep cloth. The latter is one of the main causes of our silence, you never know who might be smiling with you but bashing you in public, and it’s so easy to get confused when blinded by hurt and pain.

So you keep it all in you, what they don’t know they can’t destroy, rather suffer in silence than be subject of mockery and shame. You carry the weight on your shoulders, visible to all that love you, they see it but can’t seem to make you share it. You want to tell them, but you don’t want to bother them. What a paradox.

You slowly dig a rift, burn all bridges, blur all lines, your problem becomes invisible to all but you. In a bid to protect yourself, you deprive your friendship of a crucial test, that of Loyalty. Tests are meant to demonstrate your abilities and boy, is life is full of them. They are necessary evils, they show us in a split second what and who we truly are. Preventing your friends from showing their true colors is destructive; those colors are what will determine the painting of your lives. You can’t paint a picture without a color code in mind. Keep in mind that the choice on how or if to be a friend is all theirs.

I’m not saying you should reveal your dark and deepest to all your friends! Rather have a close circle that you can confide in, be real with. Being human is hard enough, being human with no one to confide in, trust and share with, is like a slow poison; it eats you up, consumes all of you. So, don’t carry your load alone, don’t hurt yourself.

When the going gets tough, reach out, cry out, break down, and share the pain. You are not bothering, you are being human. It’s not up to you to decide what’s too much, it’s up to them. Let them be there for you, like true friends should, like you did for them. You don’t have to be alone; the choice is always there, remember that.

I’ll end by raising my glass to true friends, the ride or die’s, you guys deserve a special corner in heaven with jellof and fried chicken.



Miss Bosieh

Lover of life, On a journey to happiness, documenting each step.