Three Lessons I Learnt From Staying Away Too Long.

Or what to do when you come back from a ‘breakdown’

Glory Mafor


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

1. You owe an explanation.

It’s a myth that we do not owe anyone an explanation for how we live our lives. It’s a lie we’ve believed.
You don’t have to tell just anyone why you shut down, broke down or whatever term it is you use for the time you suddenly disconnected from everyone in your life.

But you see those people who would stoop and clean up the mess when you throw up? You owe them an explanation.

Those people who would drop everything and come when you call? They deserve to know.

They deserve to know why you stopped replying their messages and picking their calls. Why you didn’t come when they called. Why you left. Why you went off the grid. Why you would hurt them that way.
They deserve to heal.

Think hard. You’ll find that there’s quite a list of people you owe. Give to Caesar…

And if someone never explains to you, you just might not be on their list. No hard feelings.

2. Life happens without you. Be humble enough to catch up.



Glory Mafor

Writer, editor, spoken word poet, worship leader. I believe in the transformative power of art and creative expression. Find me on other platforms: @glorymafor2