Time and Religion

A Vicious Duo

Ngang God'swill N.
2 min readNov 9, 2019


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Time is a treacherous thing,
a vile creature, an illusionist
building illusions of change,
progress, growth;
yet traps reality in a cycle;
in a wheel like a dutiful hamster.

Time preaches tomorrow,
betterment, as hands tick away;
but yesterday is tomorrow.
We run towards truths,
discoveries unearth in the past;
another section of the wheel.

Time slowly grows irrelevant
as the charge becomes the cycle,
ending its existence to grow;
for we’ve had this reality before,
our father’s before us.
The rise and fall of men.

Say we choose to stop,
like a faulty engine,
or an enlightened mind;
pull out a cog from the wheel,
Religion, belief.
What becomes of the cycle?

Religion drugs the mind,
limits its potential
with urges to serve, worship
like a lesser sentient;
an addiction beyond rehab,
written in our building code.

Religion hides, that truths beguile,
promotes incomprehensible truths;
pushing faith and magic as reasons,
like a poorly taught teacher
or a brilliant politician.
For magic is the inexplicable.

Faith is trust in the unknown,
or really just the inexplicable;
Truth’s perfect disguise,
like a con man’s smile;
a beautiful garment over rot.

Still, fear a new cycle’s birth
should religion leave the stage;
for religion holds the peace,
like mortar and glue in reality;
and faith explains insanity
like decrypting Morse code.

Constant change is ideal, yet
an illusion perfect in a cycle;
breaking is an obligation
to self, kin and species.
For this angel we know,
is worse than Lucifer’s henchmen.

I wrote this piece after a little talk with some writers in Abuja, we spoke at length on religion, mysticism and the development of science. We realized that over time, the physically endowed have crushed the intellectually gifted, creating a cycle in which humanity attains knowledge and then losses it again thanks to invasions of territories and writing of histories that are in themselves fiction. In modern time, the weapon is religion, as has been for a while, to control the masses. So I thought, what if religion was pulled out of humanity’s story, no mysticism, no ghost stories; just hardcore science? The cycle will definitely come to an end.
What do you think?



Ngang God'swill N.

Writer, editor, Singer. I believe Art is fruit of a genius mind."