To a Grieving Friend

A poem

1 min readFeb 29, 2020


I don’t know how you feel;
so how can I pretend to understand?
I don’t know what to say,
but what words could be able
to make this loss less — painful? real?

And when my tongue fails me
I’ve always relied on touch;
a warm hug to sink my aura into yours
to let your soul know its sister is here
but — I can’t hold you now.

So maybe these words stuck here
will say what my voice and touch are unable to.
I can’t carry your pain for you,
though I want to.
I can’t bring him back too,
so here’s all I can do:

I can be the pillow that soaks your tears
I can be the tissue that dries your eyes
while you cry, while you heal.
and finally,
I will always remind you of the things you’ve gained
instead of all you lost.





Word Addict/ Smart Mouth/Little Crazy&Maladroit. Poet, Writer, and Pharmacist.