What happens When Reality Strikes?

2020: the year of reality

Joan Amanwi


Photo by Tobias Bjerknes on Unsplash

When reality strikes
still waters dance angrily with the storm
wildfires spread from semi-dead coals
healthy leaves wither from the scorching sun

When reality strikes
knowledge becomes almost pointless
wisdom stares ignorantly at trouble’s gaze
problems mock the aged man’s experience

When reality strikes
men seek truth in once banished places
women cover their faces in endless tears
children stumble wearily into self-made pits

When reality strikes
the soothsayers acknowledge their ignorance
God remains himself, unchanged by times
He watches after the good and guides their path

Only when reality strikes
do we remember God’s promises and faithfulness
some seek his counsel and get exalted
others trust in their own wit and perish.

Sometimes it takes a hard knock on the door for a sleeping man to wake…



Joan Amanwi

Hola! I think here and speak on YouTube: — MA Communications — Writer — Content creator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwBut5MkaN5481e6CKE7UuA/videos