Who Ruined Valentine?

The Grinch Prompt: because Valentine’s day deserves to die

Kuna Ngwanchang
2 min readFeb 13, 2019


Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash

Ahrrr! I heard myself scream
as I stared at the date on my screen.
February 14th was here again;
the day alleged to be jammed
with love in various shades.
Well, did you know
the secret of Val’s day?
Grab some popcorn and a tissue,
lay back on a soft couch;
it’s gonna be a bumpy cruise.

To be sarcastic yet subtle,
cuz I’d hate to burst your bubble,
love is a rush of hormones
and romance is a fantasy
conjured up via creativity.
Ain’t no Prince Charming alive,
gone are the Cinderella times.
All I can attest to;
are brothers desperate for companionship
and sisters dreading loneliness.

Valentines was made to excuse
absent partners and all their ruse;
to make up for lost time and effort.
For mindless show-offs;
to empty their pockets.
It’s a day for a global scam.
Just another opportunity
to swell the florist’s pouch,
to fatten the baker’s account,
to empty the pastry depot,
to save the rotting cocoa.

How I hate the ‘awwws’ and ‘ooohs’,
of those shrieking ladies
when they receive those senseless roses,
black or white self-destructive bars
packaged and labelled chocolate;
a threat to my healthy state.
Could this love be suicidal?
Well, let’s ask brother Sean Kingston.

Wish I could crawl up your brains
and scotch that ignorant flow of vasopressin.
You see the tiny pieces of rose petals
laid out to invite and impress,
that’s how your heart be will split
into tiny ‘non-beating’ bits,
when they leave you for another.
You shed tears of delight,
when they whisper sweet words
and you know y’all are meant to be,
wake up, its the dopamine!
You smile when your phone vibrates
with a message from the one you love.
Your whole being will quiver,
when they leave you for another.

Who told you 24 hours was ample,
to evaluate the foundation of love?
Who told you all acts of affection
were preserved and concealed
for expression in a single day,
or the offerings you so cherish
could fill up the void?
Who told you roses and cakes
were the basis of compassion and care?
I’d love to hate to break the ice
but quit the moronic tears,
quit the cuddles and pretense.
If there’s no effort towards perfection day,
roses, wine, gifts in a single day
and Ed Sheeran’s single; Perfect,
blasting the stereo,
will never make it perfect.



Kuna Ngwanchang

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I’m a creative writer, a data science enthusiast too.