Overcoming Victim Mentality is Powerful!

Megha Sarge
Self Freedom
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2023

First of all, what does exactly mean by victim mentality?

Well, I am not an expert but for me, it means getting easily bothered by other people’s action like why they always do this to me? Or why they always behave like this?

The person, whether he/she is your family member, friend, colleague or boss. You get always triggered by their actions, behavior or their talks. Imagine the person is valuable and respectful in the world around you and doesn’t have sense how to talk to you without taunting. Isn’t it so nerve wrecking thing?

Being myself a victim in the past

I am grown up in an Indian joint family. And my aunt’s always being a problem. Their behavior bothered me a lot. They used to compare me with other girls in my area when I was young and the worst thing my mom always agreed with them despite me doing any good things like participating in sports, getting good grades etc.

In college, School and office no matter how much I tried to surround myself with positive or supportive people. There was always one or two people who tried to belittle me, bother me or bully me.

The problem was once that situation passed, the negative thoughts would spiral my mind and reinforce me to feel bad about myself. It took a while to realize that I was falling into a victim mindset.

How I overcame victim mentality

Fast forward 20 years later, yes, I am still living in a joint family because it’s a traditional Indian culture and my parents are orthodox. But now things have changed it’s not that, that I have become used to comparison or taunting, but I dropped the need of reacting to anybody who tries to trigger my emotions.
The people who get influenced by their circumstances may realise very later that they are being a victim for their whole life. It takes so much courage to take charge of your mental health as a priority. The first step is to acknowledge that you have been falling into a victim mentality. Reflect on your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors to identify patterns of victim thinking. Understand that while you may have faced challenging circumstances, you have the power to rise above them.

What actions did I take

Whenever I used to face challenging circumstances in Functions or parties. I used to answer very bluntly to anyone who used to come up to me, taunt me or bully me about my body size. Later I realized that even answering bluntly is reacting and giving unnecessary energy/attention to that person. I accepted no matter how I try people won’t change, but maybe I should change my perspective towards them and myself.

Meditation and gratitude: I started practicing gratitude and doing guided meditations regularly. I started acknowledging and appreciating the good things, big or small in my life. This shift in perspective helped me move away from a victim mindset to optimism.

Taking responsibility: I realized that I have the ability to make decisions and take actions that can shape my future. By taking ownership of my life, my mindset shifted from feeling powerless to being proactive.

Practicing affirmations and Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. I understood that breaking free from a victim mentality takes time and effort. I have created three lines affirmations which I rant on daily basis which helps in keeping my mind calm and boost self-esteem. Treat yourself with compassion, practice self-care, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Remember, shifting from a victim mentality to an empowered mindset is a process that requires consistent effort and self-reflection. develop patience within and keep moving forward. Remember even taking first step in this process is recognizing that how powerful you are.

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Megha Sarge
Self Freedom

I am a passionate blog writer. I like to create engaging and informative blog posts that resonate with readers.