If You’re a Tourist in Scandinavia, Don’t Do These 6 Things

Nopety nope

Melissa Frost
SELF [less]


Photo by Sara Melissa Frost

As a non-native living in the United States, I’ve appreciated all the tips and tricks I received when I moved overseas.

Make sure to tip when dining out, don’t lash out on how you’re actually doing when someone asks “how are you”, don’t talk politics unless you’re up for risking offending someone. You’ll feel rushed in restaurants, but it’s not because of you. They just want to clear the table and seat the next group, asap.

The small things.

Scandinavians have a few of those, too.

Don’t bring cash

We haven’t used it in forever.

Or worse, checks! I’ve never seen one until moving to the United States.

Use a normal card, not your Amex or a credit card. Some places only accept debit cards. If you bring a debit card, you’re good to go.

On the extreme side of people not very fond of cash in Scandinavia is the CEO of a hair cuttery chain in Norway who, in a recent article managed to say to the press that he’d rather go to jail than implement cash as a payment option for customers. Jeez.

Never, ever drink and drive



Melissa Frost
SELF [less]

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.