Day Two

Kaitlyn Abel
Self Motivating
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

As I continue on this journey to become more of a self-motivator, I have learned a lot about myself. It is only day two and I am already seeing the effects of being a driven worker and student. I have been doing assignments earlier instead of waiting until the night before and I have become more productive at work by motivating myself to go above and beyond what I am required to do. I have become a better multi-tasker and I have learned to make the most of my time on the job. I feel as though I have already become a better employee. My goal is to keep improving not because I want other to notice, but for myself. I hope to someday use the motivating skills I learned in my part-time job and incorporate them in my future business career.

Self motivation is especially essential in the workforce. Dedicated workers that motivate themselves tend to work harder, generate more output, inspire those around them, and have an overall positive attitude. James, a peer of mine believes that “people should simply be self-motivated to help the betterment of a company’s initiatives [and that we] should always aim to [present] ourselves in a positive way and make sure that the work we do is up to par”. In other words, self motivation is stemmed from the the satisfaction of improving productivity or completing a task that essentially benefits both the worker and the company.

Different workers are motivated in different ways. Some people may be motivated by their biweekly paycheck, while others may be driven by the satisfaction they receive from working. Whether these workers are intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated, the end goal is always to get the job done. Stay tuned for a further analysis of why people feel the need to work.


Chau, J. (2017, September 25). How is Self-Motivation Applied in the Workplace [Web log post]. Retrieved from

