Review, Reflect, Reinvent

From the beginning of this assignment,

I wanted to create a personality for my blog while being able to take out all the criteria of the assignment. What I ended up discovering is a way to use self-motivation in an area that I once really hated. I never was the best or nowhere near the most literate writer but I try to use comedy to give my readers a good laugh. Trying to surprise them around each post which is a somewhat informational topic to some. In comparison to our society, everything we do, we stride to comparisons and trying to be perfect like the person we saw in a movies or on the late night show. Due to that nature, we put ourselves in these demotivation situations because everyone always tells up to become things that we do not really want to be. I listened to that voice for the longest time, trying to become the person that everyone else wanted me to be. Now I realize that if you really want to become something big or do something bigger than yourself, do not lose sight of that vision you have. That is your key to self-motivation, to ignore all the critics, build your self-esteem off of all the noise there making, and make sure you take a step back once and a while and see what you can improve on or just go out and grab some sushi with friends. When doing these blog posts, I could have written them cut and dry, follow the criteria down to every letter and aim for that A. Be fake in what I am writing about but instead I realize that I have the freedom in this assignment without have to follow the traditional paper format. And while I look at half of my peers in my class, they have the most boring blogs ever, as I am reading half of them, I am thinking to myself, WOW, they really want that A. Which is totally fine but I personally will aim for a satisfactory grade while having fun on this assignment. Also I do compare myself to others because I like to the progress I made so far in life compare to my peers is quite remarkable and my work ethics is second to none. It all boils down to my self-motivation which is high, essentially because I am happy, so if you’re not happy or self-motivated, look back at all my posts and I hope something in one of them sparks your interest.

Thanks again everyone who tuned in for this story. And hopefully sometime in the near future I’ll be post more stories about the progression of my company. Back of luck to everyone and stay SELF-MOTIVATED!

