Take on Only What You Can!

Jennifer Chau
Self Motivation
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2017
Prioritize your important tasks first

Ever get super overwhelmed with everything thats been going on? Don’t you just want to stop and give up on life? These feelings are completely normal. We are human after all and there is simply so much we can take in our lives or minds. Everyone is different in their own way and the way that we handle things vary from one another. But I think it’s important to not only take a breath every once in awhile but to build a strong foundation for our tasks in order to achieve our goals.

As I searched up blog posts on self motivation, I came across a very inspiring and detailed post on the ways in which we can self motivate ourselves. This blog by Ian Hall named “The Simple Path to Self-Motivation,” discuses three key components to self motivating: take time to plan, breaking down the most important task, and planning my time. Throughout his blog he provides visuals on ways in which we can use these components to help us manage our time efficiently and in doing so, it can help us achieve our goals. This includes a well written out plan for activities to be completed and an organized schedule. Time is essential and we are always running on a ticking time clock which is why we must efficiently manage our time on the tasks we feel we must and can complete by a certain given time. When reading Hall’s blog, I realized that he related to my idea on how important it is to not only be positive but realistic as well. This is why he mentions in his blog that we should prioritize our tasks on the level of importance they are. He concludes his post with this statement: “I control what I can control, and let go of the rest.” I think this is a key point to understand since we can only control what we can take on!

Throughout my life, I’ve encountered several obstacles some in which were very overwhelming and difficult to overcome. At times, I struggled with managing my time and organizing my time effectively. As I read through this post I realized how disorganized I am. Although I have a list of tasks or things to be completed, I often end up not fulfilling my expectations which leads me to feel disappointed about my accomplishments. After reading this blog post, I received insight on how important it is to be organized and plan out my schedule and to take on only what I think I can do. As a result, I have not only become more organized but kept myself in a more optimistic state. I can tell that throughout the past few days that I’ve completed more task than expected and followed a schedule in which has kept me self motivated!

Hall, I. (2016, November 17). The Simple Path to Self-Motivation . Retrieved September 26, 2017, from https://medium.com/@inhll/the-simple-path-to-self-motivation-567dd7aae135



Jennifer Chau
Self Motivation

It’s essential to understand the true value in self motivation to be able to reach our goals and improve ourselves