Don’t Wait For Nature’s Wake Up Call



In order to succeed in life, the first thing you need to figure out is your WHY?

Why do you want to succeed? Do you want fame and recognition? Luxury of buying cars, house? Serve your family and community? Joy and fulfilment? You need a strong reason, which will push you through your hard times. I would recommend you to always go for something bigger than yourself. You should always be focused on fulfilling something that makes a huge impact not just on yourself but on others too. If you solely want to succeed for your own physical comfort than that won’t be really a success.

Lady Gaga consistently looks for advice from Dalai Lama. Chester Charles Bennington (member of band Linkin Park) committed suicide. We need to understand that there are two types of comforts: physical and mental. Out of both, mental is much more superior.

Rich people are popping pills because of improper sleep, depression etc. Basically, they are trying to run away from their own mind and boredom. Furthermore, they have realized that they have gained all of that to just lose it at the time of death. Therefore, a sense of purpose attached to your why is very crucial.

Once you have figured out that why you want to do something then, you need to have a strong commitment towards it. Know that it is not going to be easy. If it was easy, everybody would have it. Success is all about doing what other people don’t do. The reason 1% of people succeed is that they did what other 99% didn’t do. You succeed when you become rare. You succeed when you polish yourself and your skills with hard work and determination.

People like Steve Jobs, Beyonce forgot to sleep while they were working. They were so much into their work that they didn’t get tired at all. You can transcend your body with your mind. You don’t have to necessarily feel well all the time while working, but with the commitment, you should know that you would do it anyway. No matter if you are tired, lonely or miserable, you will do what needs to be done. Nobody cares about how much pain you are going through, everybody has their own problems going on in their life just like you.

One main reason you are lacking intensity towards your commitment is that you are taking life way to casually. You are not serious enough and that is why you are wasting your time doing nothing and talking about other people. You don’t value yourself and your mission. You are still being a kid who likes mother’s lap. You are not realizing the value of your own life. You are not willing to leave your comfort zone. You are kind of ok with whatever is going on in your life. You adjust a little bit, get angry at times, enjoy most of the times, gossip, stalk and do things like that. You are living unconsciously and not looking at yourself. You are not realizing that you are going to die. You believe that death is something that happens to other people, not you. Assuming that nothing is ever going to happen to you is the most foolish way to live.

You will find people who will tell you to stay positive all the time which is going to make you sicker. You must dwell on the dark side at times because when reality will hit you, it won’t take a second for your little mindset to break. Don’t wait for that time; don’t ask nature to give you a wakeup call. You just won’t like it. Start creating the life you want from this moment. Take small but, strong steps towards it by slowly changing yourself. Change your habits a bit. Success is not a matter of one day or few years. Nobody knows how long is it going to take for you to be successful. But, we do know that our time on this planet is very limited and we should do something about it.

You are not grateful enough for whatever you have. Don’t take life for granted and stop wasting time on things that don’t stretch you to become your greatest version. A lot of people who died yesterday had plans for today. You need to stop living life in ignorance, which is only taking you towards misery. You are going to suffocate very soon if you won’t take some bold steps today. Now is the only moment that actually exists. This moment is not an idea; it is the only reality. Past and future are just your imaginations. Remember that.

People want a guarantee that they will definitely succeed only then they are willing to put in the hard work. No. Screw that. It is said that you succeed when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe. Embrace the uncertainty and unleash the powerful lion inside you. When a lion goes out for a hunt, food is never guaranteed. But, he still goes out and the moment he smells his prey, he knows that he is having dinner tonight. He knows that no matter what, he will tear it apart. He acts so powerfully because at that time it is a question of survival for him, if he doesn’t hunt, he will have to starve. Similarly, when you will make success a question of your survival than you will discover the lion inside you. If success is just an idea in your mind and you don’t want to act on it, then you are going to live your entire life being average. You don’t want an average life and that is the reason you clicked on this article. You want to be great and that is exactly what you need to focus on right now.

You are designed for abundance. It is your birthright.

Only if you are willing to strive and suffer, very soon, you will know that you are a miraculous being. The real problem is that you don’t know your own strength, you don’t know how strong you are and the bigger problem is that you will never discover it unless you are put into situations where being strong is the only option you have. Set your intentions in the right direction, work effortlessly and discipline yourself.

Nobody is going to give you success, you will have to define and work for it by yourself. Hard work forever pays. Simply because you will have to work and go through some stress that means you should settle? Are you really bothered about what other people will think? Or are you scared of failing? Everyone will stop barking the day you reach the top of the mountain of success. Words of your critics will fade, but you will shine. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality. You should gather up your strength and fight for yourself. Don’t let the temporary situations in your life break you. They will pass just like everything else, and perseverance is the key.

Go stand nude in front of the mirror and ask yourself on a serious level that do you really love this person a 100%? Are you proud to be this person a 100%?

If no, then what is the thing that you need to change? What will make you fall in love with yourself? Do that. Just imagine if you don’t like yourself a 100% then how can you expect anyone else to love you. When you take risks, fight the odds and make progress then you start falling in love with yourself. Progress makes us happy. There is no greater satisfaction in life than knowing that you turned your dreams into reality with your own hard work.

Every night you should be able to say with your hand on your heart that today, you gave your hundred percent.

When it comes to your vision, you should be able to say that there is nothing more that you could have done. You literally did everything in your power. If you are not able to say it, then, this is the moment where you will have to question yourself and ask that why are you not giving your 100%, what is wrong with you? If you want to live a life of fulfilment you should be willing to struggle.

Your fights and failures will shape you into a fantastic human being that will be phenomenally attractive and inspiring. You will fall in love with the fighter inside you. When you fall in love with yourself, everybody will be attracted to you. You will have a certain charm to your personality. Therefore, fight for yourself. See how far you can go. When you love yourself, you automatically start appreciating everything around you also. You learn to admire life. You become more grateful for the people around you, for the circumstances you are in, and even the dark moments you have been through. You will see the change within yourself and how far you have come. You will be wiser, stronger and better than you have ever been before.

The dark moments that you fought alone are the moments that uplifted you the most.

Figuring out your priorities is also a crucial step. You need to stop polluting your inner space by wasting time on things that don’t matter. You need to drop what no longer serves you and stand up for yourself. Letting things go can be painful, but this must be done. What other people are doing is none of your business, as far as you don’t want to learn from them. Stop envying other, feeling jealous, cursing, hating etc. all these things don’t come up when you are working towards your goals. When you are focused on yourself, you don’t care about others a lot. In fact, you learn to appreciate their work. Ask yourself, what matters to you the most?

Divide your life into 13 categories: Character, Physical Health, Spirituality, Emotional Well-being, Intellectual Skills, Work/Financial Abundance, Creative Flare, Love Relationship, Family Life, Social Involvement, Travel and Adventure, Community Service. Create a vision for all the categories. Each area affects the other so you need to work on all.

Be as much specific as you can. Then, write down the habits that you need to develop in order to get to your vision. Start studying the people who are already there where you want to be. Learn from their experiences. Look at the final goal and start reverse engineering. For example, if you want to become a restaurant owner. Picture yourself as a restaurant owner and look back at your life from that perspective. Think of the whole journey. You would most probably see that you got investment, before that you impressed an investor, before that you made a presentation, before that you gathered knowledge, before that, you were connecting with other restaurant owners, before that you were exploring new ideas about the restaurant. Break down your whole journey into small steps and start from where you are today.

You will go through a lot of miserable moments but the end result is worth it. One great way to overcome your pain is to look at other’s pain. When you serve out of compassion and empathy, you truly understand the perspective of other people who are not as much blessed as you are, then, your problems will start to look small. We can always be grateful for a lot of things; it’s a matter of choice. You can either choose to make the next moment beautiful by acting out of gratitude or you can choose to suffer by being jealous of others. You make a choice every time you think of something. You create your own reality in a lot of ways.

Life is always happening for you, not to you. When you go through suffering, you become smarter and stronger. This is what life is about, learning our lessons, applying it in our lives and experiencing the bliss of our true nature. The ultimate result of all the hardship is a beautiful you. Money, comforts, fame etc. are all secondary. The thing that will make you the happiest after being successful is your own reflection in the mirror. You will look back and see yourself growing out of the mud, going through the dark jungle, climbing that hill, and finally reaching the top. You will be the hero of your own story. When you will be old, you will be able to relive your life with a big smile on your face. You will close your eyes and see yourself overcoming all obstacles and pain. You will see yourself fighting and emerging out of your own sufferings like a superstar. You won’t have any regrets and will accept death of your body with a sense of joy. Everything else including your children and parents will leave you but the glory of becoming a great human being will always stay with you, in your heart. You can revisit them whenever you want and I am sure it will bring a smile on your face every single time. In the process, you will develop emotions that you have never even experienced before.

You made a decision to read this article because you were looking for inspiration. Connect to that higher part of yourself which asked you to read it. Find that frequency and stick to it. Promise yourself that you will never look back. You will fight, You will learn, You will do everything in your power, every single day to become the person you know you can become. Charge and explode yourself with the new energy and wakeup that sleeping dragon inside you. Burn yourself till you reach where you want to reach. You will even learn to rise out of the ashes when you will learn to burn yourself. You will simply forget the things you are afraid of right now once you make a strong decision and start working on yourself. Ditch all the people trying to make you feel bad for working on yourself. To be successful you will have to surrender some friends, you will have to let go clubbing and few other pleasures. But, that is completely fine. All these things will be right there when you will be successful. Learn to sacrifice your today for a better tomorrow. It is completely fine to feel fear. But, don’t let fear stop you.

In the end, I would like to remind you that your mind and body are structured to keep you safe. But, you need to get out of this default safe mode and get into expansion mode and when you strive to become great, you will witness the power of your own mind and you will reach new heights. Don’t leave those dimensions unexplored. You have this life, know it in its entirety. Know thyself. Face your fears. Comfort zone can be a beautiful prison. The greatest walk that you will ever make is the walk on which you went alone. You will have to get comfortable being alone. Lions, eagles, wolves and all the other remarkable hunters always walk alone. They don’t depend on anybody. They believe in their own talents. Confidence comes when you work on yourself; it is a by-product of the efforts that you have put in yourself. Your outer personality will automatically start reflecting your inner strength once you have dedicated enough time towards your own development.

Start the marvellous journey of self-mastery today and choose to act out of love for yourself and experience the bliss in your mind. Leave the material lust for a while. Five years from now, there will be people around you, who will be regretting and wondering that what would have happened if they would have started today. Don’t be that person. You always have a choice. Start right now.

Keep learning, keep hustling! Cheers.

  • Chirag Garg

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Life Coach, Yoga Consultant, Himalayan Traveller, Spiritual Seeker | Other Fav. Subjects: Innovation, Metaphysics, Psychology []