How A Personality Test Elevated My Daily Life

Teni Adedeji
Self Philo
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020


From Myers-Briggs to Horoscopes to the Enneagram, I’m a huge nerd for personality tests. Last month, I took the HEXACO personality test which is a six-dimensional model based on the following factors: Honesty-Humility, eXtraversion, Emotionality, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness.

Within Emotionality, it’s broken out into four categories, here’s what my scores looked like:

From left to right: my score, median score 50th percentile, 10th to 90th percentile

Surprisingly, I scored a 5 out of 5 for anxiety. Up until then, I had never seen myself as an anxious person. Sure, I overthink situations, run millions of different scenarios in my head at once, and often sweat the small stuff, but me? Anxious? Nah.

At least, that’s what I liked to tell myself. HEXACO saw right through me.

My perfect score was a wake up check. Since then, I started taking daily stress management pills from Moon Juice. I’m extra diligent to journal first thing in the morning as a meditation practice. And, I gently remind myself in the middle of compulsive overthinking that things are probably more okay than I feel.

Just these small adjustments have added tremendous value to my daily life. Not to say there isn’t downs, refer to my last post as evidence, but I overall feel happier with my mood. And, I don’t worry about having heart attacks as often. Which is a plus. Definitely a plus.

Whether personality tests are 100% accurate or not, they’re valuable tools to gain more awareness. The more we know about ourselves, the better we can not only enhance the good traits, but also understand and meditate harmful behaviors.

