See What You See

How many times do you leave the present?

Teni Adedeji
Self Philo


I meditate with runs and journal entries. Some people meditate sitting on cushions or painting landscapes. There is no right way to meditate. There’s no special app, fancy yoga mat, or twinkly chimes needed.

The only equipment needed is presence.

Observing our thoughts is a muscle that can be trained. The ability to gently interrupt destructive cycles, letting thoughts float by like clouds. To bring ourselves back to the moment. I’ve worked on this muscle for a few months and noticed some reoccurring trends on what I see when I leave the present.

I leave the present and I see old memories, kicking myself for being too trusting with the wrong people. I leave the present and see names of people who never messaged me back. I leave the present and see restless creative energy turned into a search for food or attention.

Sometimes, I’ll try and self talk myself back to the present.

Stay here.

This is your life.

Why hold onto memories of being asleep if you’re now truly awake? Why look for purpose or belonging in others?

Create if you want to create. Do not wait for permission.

Other times, I just say these few words and then move on with my day.

Be where your feet are.

What do you see when you leave the present?

