The Little Joys of Life

Ann Venkataraman
Self Publish Magic
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2024


Day 08 Writing Challenge

Pic taken by author

The little joys of life… add up to BIG numbers and tons of lovely memories!

It’s a bright sunny morning and so many things to be grateful for:

  1. Weather is getting better. Still icy cold but the sun is rising sooner and the world just looks pleasanter!
  2. Set off with the kids to daycare at 8:45 am sharp! A miracle given both are under 4 years of age! Did I also mention that since we had the “time change” for Daylight Savings, we are all groggy and our biological clocks unable to keep up with having to get up earlier.
  3. The book club we started at office was very well received. About 15 people showed up on Zoom and the discussion was engaging and lively. I walked away with many new perspectives I had not considered before.
  4. Spoke up in a meeting where someone was “mansplaining” and then also trying to take credit for my ideas. I was assertive but diplomatic, and I feel proud that I did not let it slide.
  5. My daily gratitude challenge streak is still going strong. Not 100% yet, but close enough for momentum to turn into motivation flywheel, where I will do everything so the chain doesn’t break but the process still feels pleasurable, not an obligation.

Here is my original post witht the prompts for March. Not following it rigidly, but they may spark ideas for someone else to write daily!



Ann Venkataraman
Self Publish Magic

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.