How To Be A More Productive Writer

7 productivity hacks to help you smash your word count goals

N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide


Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Everyone wants to be productive when they sit down to write. But for so many of us, myself included, we finish a writing session with less words written than we would have liked. How can we break out of our rut and be more productive?

Many of these tips and tricks I picked up while writing research papers in graduate school. I continue to use these tips as an author and writer. These tips helped me write research papers much faster and have helped me chip away at novels, articles, and freelance projects.


My first piece of advice is to utilize sprints. A writing sprint means writing as fast as you can for a short period of time. Some people might have the stamina to sit down a write for hours at a time with no breaks. I am not one of those people. Utilizing sprints gives me times of hyper-productivity to reach a writing goal.

Start with short sprints, five minutes at a time. If you can get at least one five minute sprint in a day, you’re well on your way to crushing your word count goals. Experiment with your sprints. Try different lengths. Try different length breaks in between. Try doing sprints first thing in the morning, or during lunch, or right before bed. Try doing…



N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: