How to Self Publish Your eBook on Amazon

A Step-By-Step Guide to Publishing Your Book on Amazon

N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide


Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Self publishing a book has never been easier. Making it even easier is that Amazon has a service called Kindle Direct Publishing. Amazon KDP allows authors to publish their work right to Amazon and the Kindle Store. This puts your book right where most people go to get books!

Set Up Your Account

The first thing you need to do is set up an account with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. You can link it with your current Amazon account if you wish. But if you share an Amazon account with someone else, you probably want to go ahead and create a new account for yourself.

Once your account is created, you need to enter in your author information. This is your real name, even if you write under a pen name. Don’t worry, you pen name writers, when you submit a book, you get to say who wrote it. So you can have a pen name. Or twelve.

You will also have to enter in your banking and tax information because of course you want to get paid for you work!

Format Your Book

Next, you will need your ebook. Amazon has a program called Kindle Create which formats a book for ebook publication. Just download Kindle Create and set up…



N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: