Pain Free And Cheap Ways To Promote Your Book

Promoting your book doesn’t have to be painful or expensive

N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide


Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

In my experience, writers like to write. Writers hate editing and anything resembling self-promotion. Unfortunately, self published and traditionally published authors need to do a lot of promotional work to make sure their book sells well. If this sounds daunting, don’t worry! There are some easy (and cheap) places and ways to promote your book that won’t leave you wanting to take a shower after.

Local Book Stores

If you have published a book, your first call or email should be to any local book stores. Indie book stores are much more likely to support local authors than big chain stores (like Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble, etc.)

When you contact them, offer to do a reading and a book signing at their store. This is a great way for them to bring people into the store and for you to gain an audience for your work. Don’t forget to ask if they are willing to stock a few copies of your books and what their ordering process looks like.

When you contact them to set up a reading, let them know how many people you think you can bring into the store. Also ask if they would like to sell your books for the signing or if they are willing to let you sell your books…



N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: