The Path to Self-Publishing

Getting your book out there is easier than you think

EV Emmons (Elizabeth)
Publishing Guide
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2020


Image by Laura Kapfer/Unsplash

You’ve written a great book and you’ve decided to self-publish. Congratulations! You’ve made one of the most difficult choices an author faces.

Now that you’ve decided to become an indie publisher there are a few considerations to start you on the right path.

After you’ve completed your manuscript and self-edited, be sure to enlist the help of a few beta readers for their insight.

Once you’ve made the suggested changes you agreed were necessary, be sure to enlist a professional editor. No matter how talented you are, your book needs to have a professional go over it with a fine-tooth comb. There are different kinds of editors out there, so be sure you know the type of editing you need. There are four types of edits.

  • Line editing: The editor examines your work line by line and analyses your language and style. They work to make your prose more powerful.
  • Developmental/Substantive/Structural editing: This editor is the big picture editor. They check pacing, characters, viewpoint, plots, subplots, plotholes and dialogue issues. They will also offer advice on the number of chapters in the story and if the story is being told in the best order and if it makes sense. It’s the most…



EV Emmons (Elizabeth)
Publishing Guide

Author of The Sinistrati, Eternity Awaits, and Write Here, Write Now! Eater of chocolate, drinker of tea. Shorts published in Unbreakable Ink Volumes 1 & 2.